Sunday morning, I had hoped I would be able to arrive at church early to make some copies before worship. However, this was not to be. Before leaving home, I had burnt the hash browns, forgot to turn on the coffee pot, and discovered a glob of toothpaste on my dress pants just as I was walking out the door. On my way to church, I realized I had lost my church keys, so I needed to pick up a spare from the home of the Trustee Chair. Once I had arrived, I unlocked the door to the church and realized I needed to get my mind on the worship service. I went to the copy machine and as the copier began to warm up, I looked at the bulletin board nearby and read the following:
"I used to pray that God would feed the hungry or do this or do that, but now I pray that he will guide me to do whatever I'm supposed to do, what I can do. I used to pray for answers, but now I'm praying for strength. I used to believe that prayer changes things, but now I know that prayer changes us and we change things." Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Not too surprising, this little prayer calmed me down and kept me focused on what God was calling me to do on this Sunday - preach the Gospel and love the people who gather for worship. My prayer is that all who gathered this week for worship, or anyone who opened a bible or prayer book in their home, or rocked a baby in a crib, or sat quietly in a deer stand were somehow changed by these moments of grace. This way, in our collective moments of God's presence, maybe we can enter into Mother Teresa's prayer and together help each other change the world into a deep flowing river of love, care, and compassion.
Monday, Pastor John will be out of the office for a meeting in Minneapolis at MN Annual Conference Office.
Tuesday: 2nd Century Fund meeting at 10:30am
As Council- Tuesday at 6pm
Thursday: Range Pastors meeting 10:00am to 2pm
Mission Committee Meeting: 4:30
Next Sunday: Stewardship Sunday and Pancake Breakfast. Worship will be in the fellowship hall at 9am followed by a pancake breakfast. Invite your friends!