Sunday, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up something for dinner on my way home from church. Instead of grabbing a pizza from the frozen food section, I put a whole chicken in my cart on my way to pick up milk, eggs, and a can of coffee. Once home, I realized it had been awhile since I stuffed a chicken, mashed real potatoes, and cut up fixings for a salad. Usually on Sunday afternoon, I pick up something all ready to go, so when Sunday evening rolls around, I park myself on the couch while watching the latest programming on Britbox, Netflix, or Prime TV. As I got out a roasting pan, peeled potatoes, chopped onions and celery for stuffing, and washed leaf lettuce, radish, and tomatoes for a salad, most of the afternoon had quickly flown by. My phone hardly rang and I only sent or responded to a few text messages. Most of the afternoon was relatively silent. Although fixing a chicken dinner is not difficult, if done well, it takes time to prepare and cook the food. For the first time in a long time, I slowed down to enjoy the work of fixing a Sunday chicken dinner.
Around six o'clock, I took the chicken out of the oven, made gravy, and put the potatoes, stuffing, and salad in Fiesta Dinnerware serving dishes. I set the table and put the beautifully roasted chicken on a platter next to the potatoes and stuffing. I poured myself a glass of iced tea and sat down. As I began to say grace, I realized something was missing. No, it wasn't salt, pepper, butter or dessert. As much as I enjoyed the silence of preparing the food, I realized that I could easily have served five or six people. In the busyness of preparing my banquet, I forgot to pick up the phone and invite others to join me once the table was set.
In John's Gospel from Sunday, Jesus feeds five thousand on a remote hillside with just five loaves of bread and two fish. Even though the disciples wanted to send the crowd away to fend for themselves, Jesus asked the crowd to sit down and break bread together. My prayer this week is that whether we prepare a chicken dinner or a peanut butter sandwich, have a picnic at the beach or share the bread and cup at Sunday liturgy, we make sure we invite others to join us at the table.
"Then Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; so also with the fish, as much as they wanted." (John 6:11)
Grief Support Group- Monday, July 29th, 10:00 am
SPRC Meeting- August 5th - 4pm
Education Committee - August 5th - 6pm